ISIS Calls Anonymous Hackers “Idiots” For Declaring War

In a development in the hackers vs. terrorists story, the terrorists have labeled the hackers as ‘idiots.’
Yes, the terrorist group ISIS has called the Anonymous hacktivists as “idiots” for declaring a war against them. For those who don’t know, recently, Anonymous posted a video on YouTube in response to the Paris terrorist attacks that resulted in 129 deaths.
In its video, Anonymous launched its campaign #OpParis and called it their biggest operation ever that will erase ISIS from the internet.

Well, the Islamic State has taken notice of this development. A Telegram channel that is believed to be ISIS-affiliated, posted the following instructions to its followers:

The #Anonymous hackers threatened in new video release that they will carry out a major hack operation on the Islamic state (idiots)
Telegram is an encrypted chat service that is apparently being used by ISIS to preach its propaganda and send messages to its members. The above statement was then forwarded to the other ISIS-affiliated Telegram channels.

The message has more to say:

What they gonna hack…all they can do is hacking twitter accounts, emails etc.
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