Linux Systems Are Responsible for 50% DDoS Attacks in Past 3 Months

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are one of the most popular cyberthreats faced by the online businesses and organizations. The origin of DDoS attacks dates back to some very early days of internet and today it has grown to become as big as an 250+ Gbps attacks.

The cybersecurity vendors have released their quarterly reports and they suggest that 100+ Gbps attacks have become more commonplace. Based upon the data from two DDoS reports from Kaspersky Lab and Imperva, we can conclude one interesting fact that the involvement of the Linux-powered machines is on the rise.

The Kaspersky Lab says that 45.6% of all recorded DDoS attacks were launched from Linux-running computers. Mentioning the biggest attacks, the cybersecurity firm writes that one of its clients faced a whopping 320 hours (13.3 days) of DDoS attack.

According to Kaspersky, in Q3 2015, the botnet-based attack targeted 79 countries and 91.6% of the targeted resources were located on 10 countries. Lab reports that the largest number of DDoS attacks targeted the systems in China, the USA and South Korea.

Imperva compared the present day scenario with the Q2 2015 and found that there was a 108.5% increase in the network layer DDoS attacks. The cybersecurity firm recorded a DDoS attack that peaked at 260 Gbps.

Following the similar trend seen in Kaspersky, Imperva suggests that China is the main source of DDoS attacks with 152% increase in attacks, while US is the main victim.


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